Monday, July 16, 2012

Hmm... an't think of a name for this post

So today I spent hours working on a meme for
it wasn't like the forever alone or troll meme ( if you were thinking how could i spend hours on that and why put it up on deviantart ) It was this one about a series I love called Baccano and it was just like questions who are your favorite character and there is a space provided to fill it in . So I went drawing my favorite character and filling in the questions , I was pretty proud of my self like my drawings weren't half bad for once!As I was using my tablet a load of updates for it and all apps for it kept appering so I just clicked X on the apps thing not knowing it would close all the apps open in the process :/ So all my work was gone so as many people said before , save your work !
Onto another matter soon a new map will be realised on poptropica for people with no membership which is on the 18th. I also got citizenship :D and having still quite a lazy summer which is basically tv to the computer then my phone and then sleep lol. If you noticed our blog chat box down there if you scroll well recently there has been really nice comments so thank you all !
Last thing , anyone watch Korra yet? :)