Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer hoildays!

So far I am having a very relaxed hoilday ( cough .. cough .. sleeping into like 2 o'clock  and watching tv all day) and the weather isn't great where I live but I am enjoying it I hope you are too !
Transformice released frasies ! Which are really cool , I bought some and I think they are worth the money.
Transformice really deserves money as most games buying membership makes you pro but in transformice they didn't do that instead its about skill and I really admire it for that and still letting you pay if you wish or not it doesn't change anything.If you remember me ranting on about iamconz sneaking into our tribe and having a spare account panda pancake in order to sneak in and I asked why he choose that name , anyway he said guess and I said because you like panda's and you also like pancakes he said no I countinued guessing and he said keep trying after saying that he then got rid of me able to whisper to me , how did i meant to guess anymore i don't know which kinda made no sense. After that Zaperwarth ( <- i think I spealt his name wrong ) gave out to me but I already explained all that. I went on to cheeseformice today and saw iamconz profile , please read the highlighted . He lied ? I think so .
Okay this post is kinda pointless I am in a bit of a rush , have a good summer holidays anyway!
~ Pongwong / Herbaliser!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Chobots revisted.

Well I am now on my summer hoildays and will hopefully have more time to post things on Panjakes.
So as you probably guessed by the title of this post , I revisted chobots.net.
I was slightly confused , new rooms , new clothes , and what was this Cho thing?
Aparently I have 0 cho ? I think I deserved more cho than these people who just join and have no idea who hiki or william or any old mod are , and who never experinced the old chobots .
Even though I have no idea what cho is I was just a bit angry.
I found something intrseting though , before I had about 500 bugs and was pretty happy with myself but I looked at my bugs and saw I had 38365 !! Did they change the currency system too?
Is this in fact a small amount ? How did I earn this much by not playing?