Tuesday, October 25, 2011

a few things

first did you notice the autunm theme in the blog ?
and i forgot to say about clubpeguins halloween partys its really good this year !
but most importantly i would love to say thanks to http://www.biglittlebang.com/ for posting the pictures i took onto their blog
i am glad they choose that one because thats is my favorite one

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

yay halloween in transformice and as i said last year i love autunm and halloween so much for some reason i want to do a halloween comp but not much peoplea re commenting on my posts but i am still gratefully for the amount posting stuff up on the chat box so it depeneds

Monday, October 17, 2011

on moshi i have a load of friends , i am not sure when i joined but i was on it for AGES nearly as long as clubpeguin but seriously why are all my friend requests saying 'welcome to moshi ' or ' oh i saw your new ' i am on a level over 20 and have 1223 friends and 16 moshlings and 3 floors and a load of items and clothes dose it really look like i am a n00b ? i was probably on moshi before some of the people on it were born ( okay thats probably impossible but you get my point) please look at my monster ( i am not asking for you to add me or message me ,my blog is not avertisment )
then please comment on this post do i look like a n00b because i really am wondering
and also as you can see there are some more pictures of the new game i was talking about

Saturday, October 15, 2011

100th post

sorry for the last post i did the title and then press enter expecting it to go into the write bit so i could type , its a same that my 100th post is just a title ''100th post ''
i was actually going to type that this blog came a long way but thats kinda boring ,
but i would like to say thanks to my followers and to the people write on my chat bar the number increased a lot over this month and i am very grateful , i was on chobots and its hard to get back into it , i just accepted it was gone and now it back but all my clothes are gone forever all my 400 friends gone and i will never get them all back . transformice is still fun , i love my tribe !
i found this game called biglittlebang on mimo777 cp blog i think ( and that was the blog i found chobots on aswell ) its actually a good game really good graphics for a free online game and its not to populated which is a good thing i think
here is a few epic pic of it i am still such a n00b of it ,
this blog is more of a online virtual blog isn't it ? but the heart of it is chobots no matter what and transformice is the brain transformice is good because you can't buy memebership to amek you pro you need skill i also recommend a game i bet you heard of before minecraft my brother showed me it , i am not on it much but i got a really cool world and the musicis so cool i could take millions of epic pics of that too !also i got moshi memeber ship again today :P

100th post

Friday, October 14, 2011

on not my regular room people seem to notice me
today ( not in this pic ) people were saying they would kill for my name pongwong XD

this is just my cp room before i change it to my halloween house for the comp.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


chobots is back ! ..... not .com and my red ninja suit ( see from older posts ) are still gone but its better than nothing mhhh ........ with my longer homework i wouldn't have time for chobots and transformice
i suppose time will tell wheather i play transformice or chobots more
okay i am putting up a poll
oh and also i enter the chobot.net comp here are my enterys

Thursday, October 6, 2011


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiHWwKC8WjU we watched this is french class 3 days in a row its actaully really good song