Wednesday, August 31, 2011

vayerman luckytail cpfanoncho are people i regularly play with

Monday, August 29, 2011

transformice part 2!

so hello again ! now that chobots is gone what do you think we should make this blog into ? i will put up a poll soon so you can vote!
anyway back to the title of this post , i am a bit of a noob on transformice i played it before when i was much younger and forget most stuff i got this transformice full screen thing you can get it in chrome and it allows you to pick what server you want but now i keep going to the same one how can i stop that also if you see a mouse called cpfanoncho playing say pancoga said hi
Do you like the new font ?! I just wanted to try it out

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


transformice is great its not as good as chobots but its fun to do when chobots is gone and your board online
its a pity they allow cursing so younger people wouldn't like it but the game it's self is great so i might do a few more posts bout it

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

chobots . in

i needed to go back on chobots
so i tried :
you could tell by the start page it was pretty hacked and no one was taking care of it
the only bit of chobots left and it was in such bad state
i made 3 pages herbaliser herbaliser2 herbalisers lol
the first two got kicked out within a few seconds when i did nothing !
the hackers made it rain and it was awful priceless clothing that i dreampt of getting on day just being trown around but i was so happy hearing that so famous quote DON'T ASK IT TO RAIN !
barely anyone was online and anyone who was were all age 0
and there was a mod age 2 and agents age 0 !
it was so strange seeing chobots but being so young without my friends pet house color clothes citizenship i was an pro but in a chobot age 0 with nothing but a few bugs
the old chobots had rules , society.
i heard the chobot song for a few mins and loved it but them hacker/mod started playing stupit mainstream songs that i really hated
the people on .in didn't care about the old chobots they probably newbs but if you been on it as long as i have then you will probably understand i wantted to go on in just to see chobots again
but i am not going on it again ever i want my thoughts of chobots to be of .com not .in of a fun virtual world not a hacked game
if you dedicated to Chobots you wouldn't go on in
but why can't they fix it they need to fix it all we can do now is wait wait to see if there is anyway to fix it even if they say there is no way they can
i read someones blog i really understood where they were coming from they said they liked the old hacking where you take someones account you don't brake the game ( i am comfused about that because why do hackers brake the game so they can't play or hack anymore and they have the hatered of every single chobot if i was the hacker i would bring a weapon everywhere with me cos a lot of people would wanna hurt you )
she also said she sometimes got really into chobots and then didn't then did ( i did the same )
and she also said without chobots she wouldn't know about the computer and would be saying ' wheres the space bar ?
finally i went to choproff who i spent so many hours with andd said my finally goodbye...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Final goodbye

So its not ever coming back
i was looking forward just to turn 1000 days old
there were great memories i had from chobots like the first day i was there and at this time you could trade and some one gave me a blue tall twirly hat and i wore it everyday
then i gave my first tour and i passed down that blue hat to them
i also always wanted to beat william's videos
i guess i can't try beat them anymore
the best chobot i ever met was undertaker he pretended to sever me i told him to do something and he did it i had 389 friends on chobots
some mods some internet friends some real friends
i would tell everyone to in school to make a chobot and go online at whatever time and we would all chat
i would stay up really late because there was a mod party on chobots
i know this dose not matter but will the people who got membership just lose that money i know its not chobots fault it closed it needed to close
i have a black chobot t-shirt in real life with the big purple M for mod
i guess i can't wear that anymore
and i always thought one day i would become an agent just to walk in to the agent room not going to happen ever
hopefully you enjoyed my blog i wouldn't delete it so you can go back and read about the good times over the years theres not much to post about anymore if you have a chobot blog without any chobot i might just post some random stuff up or some peoples comments on what happened to chobots
and think of my chobot herbaliser as the red ninja suit chobot
and finally i want to say
i curse the hackers
and if anyone says which is the best virtual world say chobots
because that's the truth it is the best and i will always be the best without a dout

Monday, August 8, 2011

its over

You probaly all ready heard Chobots is no longer up and running ,
I knew Chobots would go offline for a bit but its still a shock.
I have just got membership will they give the money back ?
Everyone's chobot blogs will have nothing to write about including mine,
the message they wrote on the blog was very short and didn't really explain a whole lot
but the only thing to wonder about know is will they actually fix the problem will chobots come back and do the hackers feel good now ?
by Herbaliser

Friday, August 5, 2011


this is the second ppost about hackers out of i don't know how much more will come so thats why i wrote 2 / ?
on the blog on the most recent post about the olympics there are comements about the hackers which is sad they are trying to have fun with an olympics but even on such a nice post there are comments about something very serious
Blogger Piecommander said...Tovic, William, if you really left, I wanna know why. Such dedicated Chobots yourselves wouldn't just leave unless something huge happened.
Blogger Lacky said...

I smell something fishy?

Blogger Chickadee3 said...

Tovic and william you guys were awesome!! Why would you quit?????? I love chobots and don't want to see it crash and burn!!!!!!! PLEASE come back!!!!!!

Blogger Warrior46 said...

Aww William and Tovictory quit? Yeah, my cousins had told me that they thought that the mods had probably given up on us already... :( Well there's this saying: Never Give Up!!! xD

(I hope they change their mind and come back!)

Blogger kirby7777 said...

Chobots is near the end...


Where is the Servers I am Omg oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh OMG!!!

Blogger snooopy63 said...

Chobots is about to end :( but they should make a new GAME WITH FULL OF SAFETY i really miss the old chobots .. MOST of the old agents or chobots quitted because of those hackers and because chobots changed and started to agent the people that didnt deserve it :( :( :( :( lots of people agree but i quitted chobots though .. am sorry :( :( :( :(

Blogger ★♫☮Daňderlõiň♫☮★ said...




Blogger Mewthree1704 said...

;A; The mods really need to get their act together and sort this out before Chobots crashes and burns forever...

so i see this is wores then i thought i just get back into chobots and this is what happens?
i also noticed its august and no new citizenship item change
on the main page of chobots it says


Play Collaborative Casual Games Designed for the Whole Family!
100% Free!

Join the biggest Kid's Community of Earth Researchers!
Chat and Make Friends!

Create and Design!
Graffiti Art, Your Style, Your House and even Your Pet!

24/7 Live Moderation combined with innovative technological solutions!

well then where are the mods ?

the blog hasn't benn updated in a while too and on the blog there is no topic about the hackers

did william leave chobots ???

he can't of he has been on chobots for as long as i
and what is ??? could some one please tell me ?


today in chobots i found out hackers is what is behind all of this
and chobots might close down beacuse of this all my friends had on it since nearly a 1000 days will be gone
so i logged in to chocolate went into the main place of chobots the cafe street
here are some photos of it i did not add anything in these pictures i just clicked print screen thats all !
someone though i was the hacker ! it might of been because of my red ninja suit that you can no longer buy.
so i'll explain these photos to you
the first one is where the background changed click it to enlarge
jess 22 and me chatted about the hackers we both felt strongly against hackers
the thrid one is hard to see its this button that appeared when the chobot normal music changed to the song man i love chobots that was posted on the offical blog a while ago but you can look it up on Youtube
then everyone went big but i think the people running the website tried to stop it and my computer went blank
i logged back in and there was magic i never seen before even by mods
i wrote hackers go away a party is good and all but you want to be able to play normal chobots and know the party isn't made by someone who is ruining this great game i thought the troll face was pretty cool
the cafe sign went all strange colors but i took no photos of this
and people were saying hackers are normaly doing this !
think we can all stop this by contacting the chobot team just go on the website and click contact us also if you are a hacker or know someone who is a hacker STOP IT !
if you are in a party a hacker party do this buy a red balloon and tell everyone to do so the red
balloon repersents you saying stop it
it rained vflag but you couldn't click on them so it was pointless !

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sad cho's

this is very strange i found this !
after i just was talking about it and no i didn't draw it as you can see its on the agent graffite wall
i'm not an agent I would love to be recommend me please but no pressure
but at least i'm not the only one who prefers the old chobots
I think the creators have kinda gone to the 7wizards side
in my opinion

Monday, August 1, 2011

happy first of august ( in my time zone anyway )

so the title says it all , its the first of August in my country .
I noticed for last time i played chobots there isn't much mods online +
there are only 2 planets + on both planets there are very few online
compaire this to other virtual world that i am signed up with
such as club peguin and moshi monsters
lerts start with club peguin, it has ds games and toys where you get a free club peguin item
it been there for years and years and dosn't get boring cos of new partys and events and there are loads of drifferent servers all full of people and you know the type of people who play clubpeguin straight away you know your charaters a peguin you know why the game is fun.
compared to chobots you join and you don't know what you are are you an alien or human with your flesh colour , it takes a while for you to know what chobots is and why its so much fun if you don't have patience you are sure to quit soon before you know its a good game
chobots dosn't have any games on the ds it just has the online world ,
and with you not knowing when a mod will come online or if you'll ever see one you never know if there will be a party in club penguin its scheduled so you may think chobots is just always going to be chobots with out any rain and even if you saw a mod they mighten rain .
moshi monsters: It has become extramly popular over the years and has loads of adds on tv and has its own magazine books toys teedys cards and even its own shop
it might not have partys but with the websites blog updated nearly everyday theres all way fun compitions to enter, and you can post notes to friends become a super hero do puzzles go to the form pages and its is simple to join up.
conpared to chobots:
well chobots you never hear of it do you?
its in no magazine books tv adverts so its hard to find it in the first place
the offical blog of chobots is updated but not as much
to enter one of the chobots compitions you have to make headers and videos which you have to be a bit of nerd to be albe to do that at a youngy age if chobots a family game
for moshi monsters you normaly have to colur in something send a video of you dancing or give an opion on something
so if the game chobots is for nerds ( not saying that making a chobot vid makes you a nerd )
and nerds don't socialize much unless with other nerds then how dose chobots get popular ?
i have nearly been on chobots since it started i am nearly 1000 days on it yet its the same all but they stoped trading but that makes it worse not better i loved tradeing!!
i think the creators are getting lazy with not much money coming in they can't change the game to much and they are just letting the last chobots to die off the game is basically getting run down
in moshi monsters you can customize your charater
you can in chobots but not as much and virtual worlds are becoming more and more unpopular and more and more for babys
while facebook is taking over the web for anyone any age
so i am just trying to sayeverything is going back to chobots and that there are to leit people online so invite you friends and you will also get free bugs and make sure they don't just quit it like some of my friends make sure they become addicted and become mods
by herbaliser